Constitution for the Blackdown Hills Parish Network
Adopted at the first Annual General Meeting 24 May 2013, amended AGM 22 6 2016, amended AGM 10 11 2022
- The Group shall be known as Blackdown Hills Parish Network.
The Network is established to act for the benefit of all parishes within and adjoining the Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
In doing this the Network will:
- collaborate to use funding opportunities for mutual support, either as a whole or in smaller partnerships to take forward projects as appropriate.
- as a stakeholder, elect three representatives to sit on the AONB management group
- work with the AONB Partnership, other organisations (private, statutory and voluntary) and with individuals to achieve agreed aims across county, parish and district boundaries.
- prepare an annual report of activities available to all parishes.
- Membership of the Network is open to all Parish Councils with a whole or partial footprint within the Blackdown Hills AONB boundary. Parish meetings are exempt from financial contributions. Members contribute to support network costs, such contributions to be agreed at the AGM.
- Each parish represented at a BHPN meeting shall have one vote.
Meetings of the Network
- The Network shall hold as many meetings as necessary to progress its objectives
- Six weeks notice of meetings shall be given to parishes by communication with Parish Council clerks and chairpersons.
- Network meetings shall be deemed quorate when five or more parishes are represented in addition to Steering Group members present and decisions shall be made by majority vote of those present.
- Minutes of all meetings shall be kept.
- An Annual General Meeting shall be held when a report of the Network’s activities and future plans will be made and audited accounts presented.
- Agenda items for the AGM shall be invited with notice given as per item 7. The Network shall elect a steering group and chairman at the AGM.
- A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by the elected steering group or by request from a minimum of five member parishes.
The Constitution
- The Constitution may be amended at an AGM or SGM, with notice given as per item 7.
- The Network will appoint an Executive Officer to act as Secretary and Treasurer to the Network. It is the duty of the Executive Officer to draw up Network meeting agendas with the Chairperson and to keep minutes.
- There shall be three signatories for the BHPN Bank Account including the Co-ordinator, the Chairperson and one other member of the steering group. All financial transactions must carry two signatures.
- A meeting of the membership shall decide by a majority vote at an AGM or SGM to dissolve the Network.
- All funds remaining in the account (subject to all debts being cleared) shall be distributed pro rata in accordance with contributions previously received from parishes since the inception of the Blackdown Hills Parish Network.